2018 Red Ribbon Gala for SETAC Puerto Vallarta

This year once again we had the honor of designing and producing the second annual Red Ribbon Gala for SETAC, Puerto Vallarta’s LGBT Wellness Center and hosted by Mantamar Beach Club on Los Muertos Beach. More than 180 guests attended, and the event raised more than $300,000 pesos as the Center’s largest annual fund-raiser.

Broadway performers Gavin Creel and Seth Rudetsky flew down from New York to provide the event with world-class entertainment, and an extraordinary group of 10 local restaurant and catering chefs served an astounding array of gourmet dishes. Tintoque, Cafe des Artistes, Le Kliff, Barrio Bistro, La Posta, and Da Simone restaurants were all represented, as well as our own primary chef, Gerardo Sandoval.

Initial plans are already underway for the 2019 edition of the Red Ribbon Gala, fast becoming a fixture on the annual list of important fund-raising events held each year in Puerto Vallarta.



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